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Sunday, June 10, 2012

[CAPS+VID] 日韓音樂瘋 48P

Click for larger images

Side Captions: "Full of confidence"

Side Captions: "Shy"

Note: Hongki's pouty lips ^^

Captions: "It can't be helped; I'm born too handsome"

Speech Bubble: "He understood!"

Captions: "Hongki is very high"

Brown Captions: "Matured adult"
Bottom Captions: "Apart from a cool feel, Jonghun is best at acting a role without lines"

Pureple Captions: "So Jonghun is an expert at chasing skirts!"
Bottom captions: "The skill of using the eyes to act is the best"

Speech Bubble: "I'm shy already!"

Side Captions: "(We) put in special effort for Taiwan Pri!!"

Captions: "A little louder" (on what Chinese phrases could be used to liven up the atmosphere at the Taiwan concert)

Captions: "How are you?" (on greetings)

Captions: "I love you"

Speech Bubble: "I forgot already!" (when being asked how to say 'I like you')

Bottom Captions: (MC asked) "Have you met CNBLUE recently?"

Bottom Captions: "Because we have our own styles" (on differences with CNBLUE)

Note: HONGJAE ^^

Captions: "YADA~"

Captions: "Hongki is extremely happy"

Captions: "Unmoved by all (distractions)"

Captions: "Minhwan: 9.62 minutes"

Note: JONGKI ^^

Captions: "The time for revenge is here"

Speech Bubble: "We don't dare" (to bully Jonghun)

Captions: "Shake"

Speech Bubble: "I AM the calm hyung"

Captions: "This person really wants to eat"

Captions: "A big bite"

Captions: "Can only swallow his saliva"

Captions: "Hongki finally could not resist taking a sneaky bite"

Captions: "What is this!"

Captions: "Pull other members down into the water"
Bottom Captions: "Jaejin"

Captions: "This person is..."
Captions: "An Amazonian* completely possessed him"
*Note: Amazonian here is taken to mean a wild and unevolved being

Captions: "Unable to accept" (the MC trying to say that he couldn't make funny faces to induce laughter)

Captions: "Huge explosive laughter"

Captions: "Notice these two"

Captions: "Jaejin has found his same species"

Captions: "I want to make you laugh: Seunghyun"
Bottom Captions: "We finally found the dancing representative from FTISLAND!"

Note: HONGJAE ^^

Captions: "Mouth stuffed full"

LOL his face...


Captions: "Hey! You Guys!"

Speech Bubble: "When will it be my turn to eat?!"

Captions: "Swallow by the huge mouthful"

Note: Hongki sneakily taking another piece of roast duck ^^

Captions: "And he sneakily wiped it on Minhwan"

Part 1

Part 2

Videos credit to YouTube user 'shu35151229'

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