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Please also take note that anything taken out of this blog should be credited. It isn't too much to ask, considering the time and effort I've put into my posts :) Just a simple "via @jh_ly" or "Taken from lyism.blogspot.com" would be alright.

Also, all translations have been translated to the best of my ability, but I can make mistakes too. Please inform me if you spot any errors :)

Thank you very much! ♥

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

[PICS사진] 140112 FTISLAND JAEJIN IN SINGAPORE (Scoot Kpop Star Hunt 3 Judging) 40P

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❖ 크레딧을 삭제하지마세요. 감사합니다. ❖
❖ 請勿抹去浮水印。謝謝 ❖

Only picture collages are available on the blog. 
Please tweet @jh_ly for individual HD photos. Thank you. 
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고화질 사진을 받고 싶으면 트윗 (@jh_ly) 좀 해주셔습니다. 감사합니다. 
部落格上目前只上傳拼圖 若想要HQ版獨照 


Jaejin @ Singapore Suntec City
재진 @ 싱가포르 선텍시티

❖ Please do not remove the credits. Thank you. ❖
❖ 크레딧을 삭제하지마세요. 감사합니다. ❖
❖ 請勿抹去浮水印。謝謝 ❖

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