Original by @FT_hj05; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
HK: Today is the Girls Award! (To Jaejin) What is the Girls Award?
JJ: Eh?
Hongki hit Jaejin's chest
HK: It's a fashion show with pretty and cute models! I'm really thankful that we were invited here!
Hongki said this with a smiley face and even used formal language w
RT @MylovelyFT:
[翻譯] 洪基「今天是Girls Award呢!Girls Award是什麼啊?」
洪基「是有又漂亮、又可愛的模特兒們的fasion show!真的很感謝請我們來!」用滿面笑容說著還用敬語w
(Cr:FT_hj05 )
Original by @FT_hj05; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
During the final chorus of FLOWER ROCK, when we were supposed to do the part of "Please sit down!",
HK: So, it's coming!
When Seunghyun was about to excitedly begin!
HK: Wait a minute. (He adjusted his shoes ww)
Seunghyun had a face saying, "What is this!", and then he didn't play the guitar after that ww It's too funny (laughs)
RT @MylovelyFT: [翻譯]Flower Rock最後的副歌之前,要做總是會做的請坐下!的橋段的時候、洪基「那麼、要來囉!」 承炫很興奮地正要開始的時候! 洪基「等一下、(喬他的鞋子ww) 承炫就一付、什麼啊!的臉,然後就不彈吉他了ww 太好笑了(笑) (Cr,FT_hj05)
Original by @FT_hj05; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
Hongki yelled "Do you know FTISLAND?" the moment he came out on stage. When he heard the response, Hongki immediately yelled another line, "I love Primadonna!!" He's really the best.
RT @MylovelyFT: [翻譯]一出場馬上先喊了一句"Do you know FTISLAND?"的洪基。聽到回應之後,洪基立刻又喊了一句"I love Primadonna‼"。果然是最棒的啊 (Cr:FT_hj05)
Original by @FT_hj05; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
HK: During the talk after TOP SECRET,
MH: Everyone, let's say hello~
HK: No need!
Minhwan was totally rejected ww how pitiful! (laughs)
RT @MylovelyFT: [翻譯]在TOP SECRET之後的talk裡、敏煥「每個人來打個招呼~」洪基「不需要!」完全被否決的敏煥ww好可憐!(笑) (Cr:FT_hj05)
Original by @FT_hj05; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
Because we didn't think that there would be only 3 songs, so when Hongki said, "This will be the last song", everyone yelled "EH~~~!!"
HK: I'm sorry~ I'm really sorry about today..
And then at the end, he also yelled in Japanese, "I like Primadonna the best.."
RT @MylovelyFT: [翻譯]因為沒想到只有3首歌,所以洪基說了"這是最後一首歌"的時候、大家都叫著"ㄟーーー!!"洪基「對不起啊~今天真的很抱歉。。」 然後在最後,也用日文喊了我最喜歡primdaonna。。 (Cr:FT_hj05)
Original by @shi_prichanb4; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
The tension can be said to be really high for fan service during send-off (laughs) HongJae just kept saying, "Yo yo"; Minhwan and Jonghun just stood there ordinarily (laughs); Seunghyun seemed to have said, "Musical, musical". I didn't understand, so I turned back and asked, "Yes?" In the end, he replied, "Musical!!" www
RT @MylovelyFT: 目送會的時候的fan service,應該說tension好高(笑)洪真只是一直只說著yoyo、敏煥跟鍾訓就只是很普通的站在哪(笑)承炫好像說著 音樂劇音樂劇吧、我沒聽懂回頭問了"네?"結果他就的回了"音樂劇!!"www (Cr:shi_chanprib4)
Original by @c_f_runa; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
During the sending off, I blew up a balloon and wrote, "Do you like boobs?" and I gave it to Hongki to see. And then, Hongki ah, he planted a kiss right onto the place where the nipple was supposed to be…………………………
RT @MylovelyFT: [翻譯] 在目送會上啊、我用氣球啊、寫了喜歡胸部嗎?拿給洪基看啊、然後啊、洪基啊、就對著正好是乳頭的地方親了下去………………………… (Cr:c_f_runa)
Original by @CODENAME_YUKI; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
HK: Aren't there many pretty models at the Girls' Award... I'm really thankful that we were invited here! (laughs)
Once they heard "pretty models", Jaejin and Seunghyun laughed like this photo www
RT @MylovelyFT: [翻譯]洪基「GIRLS AWARD不是會有很多漂亮的模特兒嗎…真的很感謝請我們來!(笑)」 一聽到"漂亮的模特兒"在真跟承炫就笑的像這張照片一樣www (CR:CODENAME_YUKI)
Original by @CODENAME_YUKI; translated by @MylovelyFT and @jh_ly
When the songs ended, Hongki returned onto the main stage.HK: Today, it's the Girls' Award. What does that mean?
JJ: Eh? What is it?
HK: Girls' Award!!
While he said this, he gave Jaejin's left chest a punch.
Jaejin's bones looked like they were going to be broken by you; don't hit him alreadyヽ(;▽;)ノ
RT @MylovelyFT: [翻譯] 歌曲結束後,回到主舞台的洪基。 洪基「今天是GIRLS AWARD。是什麼意思呢?」 在真「嗯?是什麼呢?」 洪基「GIRLS AWARD!!」這樣說著,給了在真左胸一拳。 在真的骨頭看起來要被你打斷了,不要打他啦ヽ(;▽;)ノ (CR:CODENAME_YUKI)
Original by @FtDrNM1111; translated by @ejinhyun and @jh_ly
Seunghyun said to me, "You have to come watch the musical~"
I said, "Seunghyun, 뽀뽀주세요 (A kiss, please)"
His head suddenly came near me~ His face was only about 50cm away~ He puckered up his lips...
I said, "Seunghyun, 뽀뽀주세요 (A kiss, please)"
His head suddenly came near me~ His face was only about 50cm away~ He puckered up his lips...
RT @ejinhyun: (原文@FtDrNM1111) 承炫對我說[要來看舞台劇喔]~我對他說[承BOBO粗ㄙㄟ唷](注:應該看的出來是韓文的給我親親吧?)他的頭突然靠近我~臉大概只離50cm距離~做了親嘴的動作。。。(迷之音:我要換本命!!!)
Original by @120HongstaR; translated by @ejinhyun and @jh_ly
RT @ejinhyun: (原文感謝@120HongstaR) 洪基在目送我們離開時~在我前面剛好有一個坐輪椅的飯~他很慎重低下頭且很有禮貌的問候那個飯~看到那一面在自己眼前上演~覺得心整個都變溫暖了
Original by @120HongstaR; translated by @ejinhyun and @jh_ly
RT @ejinhyun: (原文@TMKHG) 目送我們離開時~其實時間真的很短暫~和以往一樣看見洪基對飯的好及他性格的好~承炫則是一直不斷請大家要去看他的舞台劇~在真&敏煥&鍾訓因為被工作人員催促只能說byebye。。。<迷之音:某人是有多擔心票房~那還老戴著晃眼戒指做啥>
It was the last part? Hongki used a whole lot of energy and yelled, "I love you~ Primadonna" (If I didn't remember wrongly, he was holding onto the mic with both hands, eyes closed while yelling~ At that moment, I seriously thought that it is great to be alive
RT @ejinhyun: (原文感謝@FtGtKD) 是最後的部份吧?洪基用盡全身力氣大喊著[ I Love you〜Primadonna] (沒記錯的話他是雙手握住Mic閉著雙眼叫著)~在那瞬間我認真覺得能活著真好
RT @ejinhyun: (原文感謝@FtGtKD) 洪基有短暫一下下從Premium sheet下來~那時坐在我身邊感覺一直都沒啥興趣穿著西裝的大叔~突然站了起來衝向洪基那邊(笑)為什麼?!比起洪基我反而被那大叔給嚇到了(笑)。。。<迷之音:大叔只是在那一瞬間找到自己的春天了~去投奔真愛了>
RT @ejinhyun: (原文感謝@FtGtKD) 在演奏Flower Rock最後那段重點的同時~把Pick扔出去的ふに~我想他本來應該是朝向觀眾席扔的~結果居然飛到舞台內側~順帶一題承炫最後要扔的時後~Kiss了pick才扔出去。。。<迷之音:崔哥該有多深功力才能把pick扔到完全不同方向>
When about to jump for FLOWER ROCK~ Hunnie confirmed the wiring connected to his guitar and slowly moved to the centre position~ After that, everyone jumped together~ But it seemed like because he got wrapped up with the wires~ In the end, he could only end off with a really low jump~ He smiled bitterly (laughs)...
RT @ejinhyun: (原文@FtGtKD) 在Flower Rock要JUMP時~ふに確認著導線長度慢慢移動到中央位置~然後大家一起JUMP~ 但好像因為導線纏繞在一起~最後只以一個超低的JUMP結束~只好苦笑著(笑)。。。<迷之音:超低是有多低~有低於50cm嗎~整個很在意50cm是怎樣>
HK: Following this is the last song
Hongki put his hands together and said, "I'm really sorry, everyone!! I'm sorry!!" And he had on a really apologetic expression on his face to make up for it。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
RT @ejinhyun: <原文感謝@FtGtKD> 雖然只有三首歌但是超愉快的~洪基[接下來是最後一首歌了] Pri[欸~~] 洪基就雙手合上[真的很對不起大家!!對不起喔!!]用看起來一付真的超級對不起我們的樣子賠罪。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
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