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Monday, September 3, 2012

[ENG TRANS] FTISLAND magazine interview @ MINI (October) - Two-Choice Questions


Two-choice questions!!!

Q: Which sentence, if said by a female, would make you happy?

A: You're very reliable~
B: You're interesting~

JJ: Hmm~ (thinks deeply) It should be A! Because if there are expectations (upon me), I will work harder!
JH: Me too; it's most important for a male to be reliable!
MH: Me too! I hope she can trust only me!
HK: Hmm~ That's though, but I choose B!
SH: I choose B too; if she likes my smiling face, I would like to smile for her to see.

Q: Is there a secret about another member which only you know?


All: YES!!
JJ, MH, SH: Hongki's secret! (laughs)
HK: Huh! What is this~ (nervous)
JJ: Everyone is like family, so we know a lot of things which we can't say here (laughs) But (we'll) definitely not say it out!
JH: That's "TOP SECRET"!

Q: Which do you want to be in your next life?

A: Male
B: Female

SH: I want to be a male~ I surprisingly like the life of a male.
JJ: Male! I want to try living a life like Hongki hyung's! I have never met anyone like him, be it now or in the past; it should have many different feelings!
HK: Although I'm a bit shy~ (laughs) I want to be a female! I've already tried the life of a male; I want to become a girl next time and then experience a different life.
MH: I want to be a girl too, then date males.
JH: I want to be a girl too.

Q: What do you wish to get from Doraemon's pocket?

A: Bamboo-copter
B: Anywhere door
(A/N: If you don't know what these two do, click on the link for Doraemon's pocket ^_<)

All: B!
HK: I want to go to Europe! Then it will also be easy to go to Japan in the future.
MH: Because airplanes are really very annoying.
SH: And we can have kimchi hotpot in Korea before immediately going back to Japan.
JJ: I want to go to Spain or Brazil to play~
JH: I want to go to Amazon; if I was chased by wild animals, I can escape immediately (laughs)

Q: Will you throw away presents from your ex-girlfriend(s)?


All: NO!
MH: Although I will forget about it, presents are a type of memory. But I will delete texts, or else I'll be upset when I think about it...
JJ: Occasionally looking at photos and reminiscing should be nice, right? But if my new girlfriend doesn't like it, I will still throw them away.
HK: For me, if I have a new girlfriend, I will hide them.
JH: What will you do if you were found out?
HK: I will reflect properly (laughs)

Q: What if your girlfriend tells you you have to wear couple clothes?


MH: I like the type which cannot be seen: couple underwear or things like that. Only each other needs to know, secret couple clothes♥ 
SH: For me, even if it can be seen, it's okay! Something like couple T-shirts.
JJ: If it's clothings, it's too obvious, I don't like it. Things like shoes are okay.
JH: I want to buy couple rings for her!
HK: Ring or T-shirts are fine~ I've never tried before, so I want to try them all!

Q: (Who would you bring) if you can only bring one person to an uninhabited island!

A: Member (of FTISLAND)
B: Girlfriend

HK, MH, SH: Girlfriend! (immediately answer)
JJ: Um... If I can't return for the rest of my life, then I think (I will bring) my girlfriend, to live a life like a family with good relationships there.
JH: I want to choose members; I think being with guys will be better.
JJ: Who do you want to bring?
SH: Bring Minhwan, and then you can ask him to do a lot of hard work? (laughs)
JH: Bringing anyone will be alright (smiles sweetly)

Q: Which would you choose if you had to be punished (in a game)?

A: Shave your head bald
B: Do belly dancing

MH: A, because shaving my head isn't embarrassing?
SH: I'm fine with shaving my head too!
JH: I choose B.
HK: B for me too; it feels like doing belly dancing is easier, I hate shaving my head!
JJ: I choose B too; Belly dancing only needs to be done once, but if I shave my head, it takes a long time for the hair to grow back!

Q: If you have a girlfriend, will you be touchy-feely in front of others?


HK: YES! Although I've never done this sort of thing, I would quite like to try.
JJ: I want to hold hands in the train!
JH, MH, SH: NO for us.
SH: Compared to being in front of other people, being alone with her will be better♥♥ 
JH: I feel like this too; I'd be shy in front of others.

Q: If you find 10 million dollars in treasures, what would you do?

A: Immediately spend it
B: Save it up

HK: (without any hesitation) Immediately spend it all! I want to travel around the world!! If I have a girlfriend, I will bring her with me; if I don't, I'll go alone or with the members.
JJ: I should be using it too; buying clothes or musical instruments, etc, things that I like. And I'll also buy for people who are there!
MH: (laughs) I choose A too; I want to play and buy things and eat delicious foods!
JH: I want to take that money to go traveling!
SH: Ah.... I will save it up!

Q: In looking for a girlfriend, which type do you like?

A: Cute type
B: Pretty type

HK: Cute type~ This is annoying, which should I choose~~ Hmm... I like both♥
SH: It feels like I like cute types better?
HK: (Those who are) Flighty! And face shape and eyes - I like those with big eyes - but what's most important is the overall feeling~
JJ: Hmm...This is also a very difficult question...Half of A and half of B would be better, but if I really have to choose, B! I like pure type of girls♥
MH: I like the pretty type, because I'm often called cute, so I feel that comparatively, a girl being called pretty is better than being called cute.
SH: What is that about? (laughs) I choose A! It feels like I would get sick of girls who are pretty, but my heartfelt words are that girls who have inner charm are the best!
JH: If it's (choosing) a girlfriend, B. If it's for marrying, A. Pretty types sound like they give people a sexy feel, cute types seem to portray many different types of charms.

Q: If you're not FTISLAND, what would you be?

A: A comedian

JH, HK, JJ, MH: B!!!
JH: I'm interested in architecture, so I want to be CEO of an architecture company or something like that.
JJ: I have similar thoughts!
MH: I want to try my hand at some business!
SH: I choose A; There are a lot of different challenges and I can find many interesting things, make everyone happy and I myself will be happy!

Q: What if you fall in love with your good friend's girlfriend?

A: Back out because of your good friend
B: Snatch away his girlfriend and run far, far away

SH: A! A! Definitely A!
JH: I choose A too; (my) friend is more important.
JJ: A, because I like her later than him, so there's nothing I can do.
HK: Although it's difficult... I will still choose to back out. Up till now, I've never looked upon my friends' girlfriends as girls; if I meet (this situation) in the future, I don't know how it will me.
MH: If they're already dating, of course I will give up; but if my friend just purely likes her, I will try my best to fight (for her), I won't lose!

Q: Do you wish to experience childbirth?


All: NO!
MH: But I really like children!
SH: Yup.. Although they're really cute and I really like (them)...
JH: Really like (them)... But it seems very painful (laughs)
HK: I apologize to everyone on behalf of guys like us (laughs)

Q: What type of girl will stir your heart?

A: Those who take care of others
B: Those who are blur

HK: B! If they're too serious, it'll be boring, no? If (she's) a little blur, although we may fight, it will become a deeper love!
MH: I choose A.
SH: Me too, because I am also the blur type, so I think my girlfriend ought to be brighter.
JH: I choose B; isn't it very cute like that♥ Little Miss Blur can be protected by me!
Others: Wa~~~~! (claps hands)

Q: Have girls approached you before?


All: YES!
MH: Korean girls are all like this~
JJ: I'll always be asked, "Can I have your number?" although I won't give (laughs)
HK: I have been approached in Japan too~ but recently, I have not (been approached)...

Q: Have you had the experience of kissing on the first date?


JJ: YES! I feel that if I really like, we shouldn't waste time, because the girl also expressed her feelings of liking (me).
HK: Mine is almost always YES!!
MH: I'm YES too
JH, SH: NO~~!
HK: Huh? Why~?
JH: I want to slowly, slowly develop our relationship!

Q: If your girlfriend says in the middle of the night, "I really wish to see you immediately!" (what would you do?)

A: Go out to look for her; even meeting for 10 minutes is fine
B: There's work tomorrow, so she should bear with it for a while

JJ, MH, SH: A!!! (answer immediately)
JJ: Because I don't want to regret. For work, as long as I work hard, it will be alright, and so will she. If our child told her, "Let's play", she will also sacrifice her sleep time to play with him/her.
HK: I'm A too, because I'm already seasoned to withstand this thing called sleep! So it's okay!
SH: Is it really to see her and then later to see her be wiful?
HK: If I'm really sleepy or very tired, maybe I might accidentally say, "Please bear with it for a while." (laughs), but then I still have to go often to meet up!
MH: If you quarrel, which side has to apologise first?
HK: It should be... me; aren't girls more fragile? So if I ruffle the feathers of a stronger (in character) girl, isn't the woman who pulls me away forcibly very attractive? (laughs)
JH: Hmm, that doesn't sound too bad (laughs) but I still choose B, because work is very important!
Others: What~~~~! (burst out laughing)


URL link: http://butter1222.pixnet.net/blog/post/38036151

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