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Monday, August 6, 2012

[PICS사진] 120115/120116 FTISLAND in SINGAPORE (Asia Tour 2012) 30P

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15/01/2012 (Concert/콘서트/演唱會)

The stage (연극/舞台)

Jonghun's guitar pick* (종훈의 기타픽/鐘訓的吉他採擷) 

*Note: Jonghun gave the guitar pick to my friend. I do not own the pick^^ 
*참고: 종훈은 내 친구에게 기타픽을 주었어요. 저는 픽을 안 소유해요^^
*注: 鐘訓把吉他採擷給了我的朋友。這採擷不屬於我^^

16/01/2012 (Fansign/팬싸인회/簽名會)

Hongki held on to this balloon‘s string with his teeth and then let it go.
(홍기 그의 이빨이 풍선의 문자열에 개최 다음 갑시다/洪基用牙齒咬住這氣球的繩子然後把它放開了)

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