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Thursday, October 4, 2012

[NEWS - ENG TRANS] 120907 FTISLAND: "Dating experience? Have dated top singers, and also non-celebrities"



-- Do you all drink often?

JJ: Yes. Even if we each have appointments and go out, we would eventually call all the members and drink together. Everyone treats drinking as something fun.

-- When drinking, there should have been many interesting things!

JH: Seunghyun once drank until he was taken to the emergency room. After the performance, when we were having our meals, he didn't bother to eat properly and just kept drinking. There was an interview the next day; Seunghyun opened his eyes and found that his body was immobile. We later found out it was severe dehydration. Our maknae Minhwan only needs to drink and then become very touched by what the hyungs say, often crying. One of our members threw up at the front of the bathroom while in the midst of drinking together with Japanese rock band friends; both the Japanese and Korean bands took towels and started mopping the floor, it was really funny.

-- In Japan, who's the most popular member?

(All members point to Jaejin)
JJ: I have never met with celebrities. Although I've dated non-celebrities, we'll definitely not go into a relationship.

-- Which member has the most dating experience?

(Hongki raises his hand on his own, the other members point to him and Jonghun)
HK: There were quite a few instances when I dated for a short period, even with a few famous celebrities, but because we're very busy and have a lot of overseas activities, (the relationship) is impossible to withstand for long. I'm recently into games and don't have time to date; Jonghun and I are nearly equally as experienced but have not been discovered and it's all smooth.

-- Amongst the group, there ought to have been instances of reconciliation with ex-girlfriends?

JJ: No, we definitely don't reconcile. At the start of a relationship (if there is one), the members will share it out amongst us, and our band has a few rules: "Don't reconcile with girls" and "Don't get our parents involved with matters regarding work". Till date, we are still abiding by these rules.


-- How are your relations with company junior CNBLUE? Although they're your juniors, they are older.

HK: Because Yong Hwa and I are friends, so we go by age. Seunghyun nearly became a member of CNBLUE, so we are all friends. Instead of saying we have a senior-junior relationship, we should say it's that of working partners.

-- When FTISLAND left their seats, CNBLUE debuted; some people guessed whether there would be contradictions between the two bands. 

HK: We won't. We're very happy that CNBLUE has progressed well. But because we were the company's first group of singers, there were many repeated experiments. CNBLUE was the second group, so the company was more thoughtful. Seeing this, I felt disappointed towards the company. Moon Hee Jun and Tony Ahn hyungs said, "We were also SM's first idol group; it's always the first group which will experience helpless memories."

-- Everyone should have heard of CNBLUE's music; how would you all rate them as people? 

JH: They were afraid of us during our first and second years after debuting because of rumours. At fist, we thought, "Why would inexistent issues appear?" They were really very afraid, so they didn't dare to leave the house.


-- Even now, there are cynical articles asking whether you are a rock band. 

JJ: Because we are not a band which was formed by ourselves but our company, so there were criticisms which help us to grow. Of course, we'd get upset over these types of words, but our progress is a reality. So those people who say these sort of things, I hope that you can come to our live performances and look for yourselves.

-- What is your dream now? 

HK: Now, it's time to create a route which belongs to us. Before, we would wish for the first position, or hoping that the album sales would reach a certain quota. ONE OK ROCK, a rock band with whom I'm close to, told me, "We didn't know that you started off with an idol image; we thought you started off as an independent band, listening to your music. You've an idol image, you're doing music well; could it be possible for you to walk down a new path whereby you can do both?" and I felt that it expressed everything rightly. To combine the benefits of being an idol and a musician, paving a new road - this will be our new mission.

We've already had quite a few feasts with FTISLAND. Topics about games and clubs are mentioned appropriately during discussions with twenty-something, joking youths, but once we talk about music, their eyes become different. Having fully experienced sweet sorrow after climbing to the top of the popularity chart, the 5 youths of FTISLAND are filled with strong ambition. "We are stagnated at being idols who say whatever and do whatever." Because of Hongki's words, the members unanimously nodded their heads. "Before uploading cynical articles, please come and see us at our concerts". We're casting a vote for the words of FTISLAND!


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